
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

It is pre democracy time in Africa politic

 Opinion news 

               Let us reflect on our politic in in Africa, the situations right now are making us to think we are in the Africa time of pre democracy, when a strong man can ascended into power with the help of the soldiers and the government in place will be topple without any says of the people.

                  When to understand or the Africa of the post colonization it was with the politic of one state and one party without democracy and election, meaning the president is in power for life no one will challenger him or question is authority everyone will sing his songs and dance to his tune, if you do not follow his way you will be killed and cast out of the cake of the country that also bring the country without a proper justice.

                 But after the end of the cold war we were promise a better Africa, where political no one will live in fear of his life and the end of strong man but the beginning of ideas and principles with a democracy and where the people have the future of their life or country in their own hand, one of  the great decision was no more coup and toppling the government by force which mean every government will have the peace of mind, no more fear of being topple by a so called strong man, and that was also the end of having a president for life, then one of the best things was or is the constitution is now let me called it the bible of the country, and the presidential term is now put only to two terms but then as in Africa people most of time are not satisfy, politicians again this people were the one who put this law in paper and they are the one again are going against it, because as they say power can corrupt you easily , then the two term is no longer enough constitution is been change to more than two term even  to life again like the period of pre democracy but this time around there is a so called election, this measure have made us to see the man like Alpha Conde, Sassou, Paul Mbiya, Kagame and many more to be in power for more than 20 years , and  now we are seeing the old habit of the coup coming back and being support by the western power, countries like CHAD the president died or killed no one know then his son became the president without being vote into power but supported by the French president, Mali they have been there two coup and democratically elected government was topple by the junta with a strong man until now no election and civilian are out of government, last week event in Guinee Conakry where  Alpha Conde first he change the constitution for him to go for term number 3, knowing he is 80+ of age and he make a fraud election let me says two wrongs does not not make right he is been topple by a coup but all the African institution are making noise of let order and the constitution be restored and respected, Kagame just make it impossible for anyone to be president in Rwanda by being now a life president, what is shocking is many in Africa are thinking that he is a role model the way of leading a country,in conclusion A U is powerless or even useless to make any authority or give the moral way or the direction to follow because they are all the same.

                Can African leader for once think of their people who are dying every day by trying the cross the sea to go to Europe, by trying hard to implement their own resolution which is adopted in the constitution which is like the bible than wanting to bring Africa and African population back to time of pre democracy, but in all of this there is also a success story to tell of country like Ghana, Botwana, Benin, Zambia, Namibia and others where democracy is been successful run.

     Thank you be bless Africa

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