
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Authority of the Name

 Opinion news

               In my opinion news today I will put forward about the authority of the name, in our society it is difficult to ignore the authority of the name, there is weight behind the name, let me explain this if your name is Kennedy, and if you did comes from John F. Kennedy in America that count so much, you will see same dynasty name in America polity like the Bush, and in South Africa the name of Mandela is also big, there is also the name in corporate that is big also like Ford, and many more, in music name like Mozart and many more, in art name like Da Vinci and many more, and there is some great academic institution in the world that when you study there it is a key for success for you, even the name of some countries may make you great or small, this is the authority that the name carries with.

               What is a name it is a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known. Once the name is given to you therefore you will be know by that name going forward, and the name have meaning, in the Bible the name of the was also their character, the name given to someone will define the person and his character, let me take this example in the book of first Samuel 25, David sent his people to Nabal and he said greet him in my name, the question is why did he said greet him in my name? the answer is simple the name of David is now great name in Israel, David is the one who killed Goliath, He also given Israel many victory against their enemies and doing so they have peace in the country, songs were sung in David name as a man of victory therefore his name was above the rest, these popularity make David to say greet him in my name, God said to Abraham I will make your name great! and believe you me Abraham name was made great until today his name his mention not only by the Christians but by the Jews and Muslims also this show us how the authority of the name is all about, let show how the name also describe someone in the person bad character, Nabal you find this man in the book of first Samuel, he is describe as a scoundrel, harsh and evil in is doing, that by his name he live and died off. however in all of this it is only a name of human beings and it authority is limited, I will give you the example like after the end of the second world war many people did change their name if it is related to a name like Hitler, after the death of Capone his family members also change their name these two example show us the limited of authority of the name, because it can be powerful today but not tomorrow.

               In conclusion I want to show you the name that the authority have no end, the name of Jesus Christ is the name with unlimited authority, and his authority does not have a mandate and his authority his not given by anyone and his authority has no genealogy and his authority his yesterday, today and forever and his authority never get old it is eternal, the name of Jesus open any door, any others names will never give you salvation but only the name of Jesus Christ will do so Acts 4:12, in the name of Jesus Christ signs will follow you, this is amazing you will not follow signs but signs and wonders will follow you, Mark 16:17-18, now get this in the name of Jesus Christ every knee shall bow and every tongues shall confess, this is amazing imagine this if you can have the name which is above any names, and this name is given to you as a gift by God, wow this I call it the wow factor by me having the name which is above any name, Philippians 2:9-11, My Brother and Sister if you want a blessing there is a name which will bring to you the blessing that name is Jesus Christ and his authority have no limit and end.

               God Bless you all.

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