
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Natural Attribute of God

Opinion news

             The substance of God is his essence or his being. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the essence of God, the nature of God, and the attributes of God. In this opinion letter, I shall discuss the attributes of God but only one attribute only, the natural attributes of God which are classified by some scholar of Bible as non moral attributes. by the natural attributes of God is meant those qualities of divine personality that do not involve moral or emotional issues. and also man does not have the natural attributes of God, which are omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, and eternity. however as I said before only the omnipotence I will talk about.

              By the omnipotence of God I mean that God is all powerful, with the ability to do whatever he wills. Let me dwell on this, in some measure Man is seen or qualify as powerful but not like God's power, Man power is quantify by what he has for example a Man with a lot of money is called powerful man, here I am talking about the billionaires which are few anyway, Man with position of authority like president of the country, let me put it clear here, it is not about the name of the countries that count but being a president that matter because you are in the position of power, Man with the position of authority in any scale of power in the society is also called powerful, even in the family sometimes age does not count when you are in the position of power than those who are elder to you, however this power of Man is limited, also most of the times Man does not have control over his power which lead Man to be a dictator, most of problem of the world is because Man is drunk to his power and he think only for himself not for others, like the wars in the world is about Man power just is out of control. Because Man want to dominate and to rule others men.

              By contrast God's will is limited by his nature. He cannot contradict himself, nor can he do evil. He will not grant the power of making free moral decisions to his intellectual, created beings and at the same time withhold from them this free moral agency, God's power is limitless and man power is limited, but God's power is harnessed to harmonized and coincide with his purposes. It does not minimize God's power to say that he cannot look upon iniquity with approval, that he cannot deny himself, lie, commit sin. God has power over his power and exercises it in harmony with his freedom and nature, God could have kept sin out of his universe and he could save a sinner against the sinner's will, but this would be a contradiction of the relationship of freedom that he has established in the free will of his rational creature.

            There are actions of God and demonstrations of his power that are in harmony with God's nature and will which cannot be hindered or withstood by any other force in the universe.  Some of these demonstrations have been manifested in God's work of creation, in his miracles, in the revealing truth through the prophets, in his sending Christ into the world, in his sending the Holy Spirit, and in his answering prayers that are prayed in Jesus name. Also in the future in the second coming of Christ. 

            God's omnipotent power was demonstrated when God said, let there be light and there was light, when God put the rainbow in the sky, when Moses rolled back the waters of the Red sea, when Joshua commanded the Sun to stand still, when Jesus said to the storm tossed sea peace be still. there are plenty of the example in the Bible of God's power my letter can not contain it all.  

            When God demonstrates his power let men stand in awe, let angels prostrate themselves, and let devils shudder with trembling. None can withstand his power. God can indeed do what he purposes to do.

           God bless you all 

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