Opinion news
Today in the 30 of June 1960, Congo became a free, that freedom sometimes I consider it as a curse which fallen upon this huge country with great potential, let me tell you who I am, my name is Jose T, Ntambwe born in Congo as this day they are debating about who is a Congolese as for me I am a 100% Congolese no debate about it.
Congo as a country as we know it today was not like this before the coming of the white man, it was a place where Kingdoms was all over the land of Congo, most popular Kingdom was Kingdom Luba, Kingdom Lunda, Kingdom Kongo and others this Kingdoms did have their leaders or Kings whom did lead the Kingdoms with measure of prosperity, they were organize one things we need to stress here is they were not united block because this Kingdoms are different in cultures and traditions and their way of living, until the white men come to the land it was so.
When the so called explore come and make know to the world that they discover something that was there before even they were born is amazing, then as president Zuma once say the problem of South Africa start when a white settler landed in South Africa this is also the case of Congo, the explore sale the land to Leopold 2 of Belgium and this man who he was the King of Belgium make sure that all the Kingdoms of Congo must became one country, remember before this they were not a country called Congo, by force and evil mean he make sure this vast land became one as a country then start the Congolese woe, first that vast land became a private property of a man called Leopold 2 King of Belgium, for years he rule the land as his own house, under him 10 million plus Congolese lost their life, and he make sure whoever was not doing what he ask his hand must be cut off, he exploited all the mineral of the Land without accounting to anyone, because it was his private property, when his evil action was know by his European counterpart in 1908 he give the country to his Kingdom, the Belgium, he was never blame or judge for his genocide action in Congo, let us make it know that his action in Congo is worse than what Hitler did to the Jewish people in Germany however until today nothing happen to him or his descendent.
1908, Congo became know as Congo Belgium, this again the white men of Belgium became the master of everything, not like in English rule country in Africa, but in Congo Belgium, the oppressors were in charge of everything , which is all the administration was lead or control by the white oppressors, all doctors, mayors were white oppressors, for the Congolese of high education was level 4 primary school, and this was done to make sure that the Congolese people remain in bondage , one of the Belgium did even said that for independence in Congo will be only discus in 1980, can you imagine, however when Ghana became the first African country to be free, a man called Lumumba also inspired by the Ghana Kwame the leader of the freedom Ghana, Lumumba start talking about the independence of Congo now, soon the people like Kasa Vubu the first president of Congo, Kalonji mulopwe , Tshombe, Bolingako raise up against the oppressors and they did not have others choice than to accept the defeat and Congo became free in 30 of June 1960, but no one from the Congolese side was ready to government the vast Congo land, because none of Congolese people at the time was raedy to do anything in the country, because all was done by the oppressors, now they are gone and no one is ready to do anything, this is what happen 7 days after the declaration of the independence they was a civil war and the separatist of the Katanga and Kasai declared the separation to the rest of the country, 11 days later Lumumba as the premier minister was arrested by Mobutu and put to death by Mobutu.
Here what I want to say, Lumumba did ask for the independence of Congo as it is, meaning no region or province of Congo must became a country, however by my humble thinking that is were we miss everything, by bringing this vast Land together it was a mistake, why the first election which for me the real one, they were not a majority winner, this push the parties to make alliances but because Lumumba party have 33% which high than any others parties he became first ministers, this is the problem even today no party can have majority rule in Congo because of this situation of bringing all of together, this also was the reason why Lumumba did not rule the country, he only last 21 days in power it took him all night to have a government ministers because every provinces wanted to have someone in power, 1965 Mobutu took power by plotting against Kasa Vubu, he became the country second president in his first 5 years in power he was good and the economy was great and the copper was doing great, in 1970 he change the country name to Zaire and the currency also then things start going bad, in the mid 1975 the price of copper went down and the country also, 1990 the cold war was over and Mobutu is no longer needed by the west, 1997 Kabila took power and he was killed and his son became president then 2018 Felix Tshisekedi became president.
But the Congo problem still high since 1960, poverty is high or one of the highest in the world, beside all the mineral Congo is very poor country, no infrastructure, no health facility, no road , no good school, even most of others African countries with no mineral resource like they have developpe their more than Congo, but Congolese are still busy killing each others to a war which have no cause, Congolese have easy language of insulting each others without a cause, I ask myself this question was it a mistake to have this Land as one country? because we are going nowhere it is with heavy heart I am saying this, but in all let us have a blessed birthday and a great 61 birthday.
May the Lord bless the great Congo.