
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The independence day of Congo

 Opinion news

              Today in the 30 of June 1960, Congo became a free, that freedom sometimes I consider it as a curse which fallen upon this huge country with great potential, let me tell you who I am, my name is Jose T, Ntambwe born in Congo as this day they are debating about who is a Congolese as for me I am a 100% Congolese no debate about it.

               Congo as a country as we know it today was not like this before the coming of the white man, it was a place where Kingdoms was all over the land of Congo, most popular Kingdom was Kingdom Luba, Kingdom Lunda, Kingdom Kongo and others this Kingdoms did have their leaders or Kings whom did lead the Kingdoms with measure of prosperity, they were organize one things we need to stress here is they were not united block because this Kingdoms are different in cultures and traditions and their way of living, until the white men come to the land it was so.

               When the so called explore come and make know to the world that they discover something that was there before even they were born is amazing, then as president Zuma once say the problem of South Africa start when a white settler landed in South Africa this is also the case of Congo, the explore sale the land to Leopold 2 of Belgium and this man who he was the King of Belgium make sure that all the Kingdoms of Congo must became one country, remember before this they were not a country called Congo, by force and evil mean he make sure this vast land became  one as a country then start the Congolese woe, first that vast land became a private property of a man called Leopold 2 King of Belgium, for years he rule the land as his own house, under him 10 million plus Congolese lost their life, and he make sure whoever was not doing what he ask his hand must be cut off, he exploited all the mineral of the Land without accounting to anyone, because it was his private property, when his evil action was know by his European counterpart in 1908 he give the country to his Kingdom, the Belgium, he was never blame or judge for his genocide action in Congo, let us make it know that his action in Congo is worse than what Hitler did to the Jewish people in Germany however until today nothing happen to him or his descendent.

             1908, Congo became know as Congo Belgium, this again the white men of Belgium became the master of everything, not like in English rule country in Africa, but in Congo Belgium, the oppressors were in charge of everything , which is all the administration was lead or control by the white oppressors, all doctors, mayors were white oppressors, for the Congolese of high education was level 4 primary school, and this was done to make sure that the Congolese people remain in bondage , one of the Belgium did even said that for independence in Congo will be only discus in 1980, can you imagine, however when Ghana became the first African country to be free, a man called Lumumba also inspired by the Ghana Kwame the leader of the freedom Ghana, Lumumba start talking about the independence of Congo now, soon the people like Kasa Vubu the first president of Congo, Kalonji mulopwe , Tshombe, Bolingako raise up against the oppressors and they did not have others choice than to accept the defeat and Congo became free in 30 of June 1960, but no one from the Congolese side was ready to government the vast Congo land, because none of Congolese people at the time was raedy to do anything in the country, because all was done by the oppressors, now they are gone and no one is ready to do anything, this is what happen 7 days after the declaration of the independence they was a civil war and the separatist of the Katanga and Kasai declared the separation to the rest of the country, 11 days later Lumumba as the premier minister was arrested by Mobutu and put to death by Mobutu.

         Here what I want to say, Lumumba did ask for the independence of Congo as it is, meaning no region or province of Congo must became a country, however by my humble thinking that is were we miss everything, by bringing this vast Land together it was a mistake, why the first election which for me the real one, they were not a majority winner, this push the parties to make alliances but because Lumumba party have 33% which high than any others parties he became first ministers, this is the problem even today no party can have majority rule in Congo because of this situation of bringing all of together, this also was the reason why Lumumba did not rule the country, he only last 21 days in power it took him all night to have a government ministers because every provinces wanted to have someone in power, 1965 Mobutu took power by plotting against Kasa Vubu, he became the country second president in his first 5 years in power he was good and the economy was great and the copper was doing great, in 1970 he change the country name to Zaire and the currency also then things start going bad, in the mid 1975 the price of copper went down and the country also, 1990 the cold war was over and Mobutu is no longer needed by the west, 1997 Kabila took power and he was killed and his son became president then 2018 Felix Tshisekedi became president.

        But the Congo problem still high since 1960, poverty is high or one of the highest in the world, beside all the mineral Congo is very poor country, no infrastructure, no health facility, no road , no good school, even most of others African countries with no mineral resource like they have developpe their more than Congo, but Congolese are still busy killing each others to a war which have no cause, Congolese have easy language of insulting each others without a cause, I ask myself this question was it a mistake to have this Land as one country? because we are going nowhere it is with heavy heart I am saying this, but in all let us have a blessed birthday and a great 61 birthday.

          May the Lord bless the great Congo.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Natural Attribute of God

Opinion news

             The substance of God is his essence or his being. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the essence of God, the nature of God, and the attributes of God. In this opinion letter, I shall discuss the attributes of God but only one attribute only, the natural attributes of God which are classified by some scholar of Bible as non moral attributes. by the natural attributes of God is meant those qualities of divine personality that do not involve moral or emotional issues. and also man does not have the natural attributes of God, which are omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, and eternity. however as I said before only the omnipotence I will talk about.

              By the omnipotence of God I mean that God is all powerful, with the ability to do whatever he wills. Let me dwell on this, in some measure Man is seen or qualify as powerful but not like God's power, Man power is quantify by what he has for example a Man with a lot of money is called powerful man, here I am talking about the billionaires which are few anyway, Man with position of authority like president of the country, let me put it clear here, it is not about the name of the countries that count but being a president that matter because you are in the position of power, Man with the position of authority in any scale of power in the society is also called powerful, even in the family sometimes age does not count when you are in the position of power than those who are elder to you, however this power of Man is limited, also most of the times Man does not have control over his power which lead Man to be a dictator, most of problem of the world is because Man is drunk to his power and he think only for himself not for others, like the wars in the world is about Man power just is out of control. Because Man want to dominate and to rule others men.

              By contrast God's will is limited by his nature. He cannot contradict himself, nor can he do evil. He will not grant the power of making free moral decisions to his intellectual, created beings and at the same time withhold from them this free moral agency, God's power is limitless and man power is limited, but God's power is harnessed to harmonized and coincide with his purposes. It does not minimize God's power to say that he cannot look upon iniquity with approval, that he cannot deny himself, lie, commit sin. God has power over his power and exercises it in harmony with his freedom and nature, God could have kept sin out of his universe and he could save a sinner against the sinner's will, but this would be a contradiction of the relationship of freedom that he has established in the free will of his rational creature.

            There are actions of God and demonstrations of his power that are in harmony with God's nature and will which cannot be hindered or withstood by any other force in the universe.  Some of these demonstrations have been manifested in God's work of creation, in his miracles, in the revealing truth through the prophets, in his sending Christ into the world, in his sending the Holy Spirit, and in his answering prayers that are prayed in Jesus name. Also in the future in the second coming of Christ. 

            God's omnipotent power was demonstrated when God said, let there be light and there was light, when God put the rainbow in the sky, when Moses rolled back the waters of the Red sea, when Joshua commanded the Sun to stand still, when Jesus said to the storm tossed sea peace be still. there are plenty of the example in the Bible of God's power my letter can not contain it all.  

            When God demonstrates his power let men stand in awe, let angels prostrate themselves, and let devils shudder with trembling. None can withstand his power. God can indeed do what he purposes to do.

           God bless you all 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

African Youth

 Opinion news

               Tomorrow is the 16 of June which in South Africa it is a big day, on 16 June 1976 Youth were killed in Soweto by the apartheid regime, it was a cold and brutal killing by the minority white government regime, the young boys and girls were protesting about the language that the government was imposing to black for the learning at the school.

               By the looks of things when I check about age in Africa, I am really amazed to observe that Africa is the continent that is bless with youth and the vast population of Africa continent is the young people, however there is a problem in this, I can also say which is for Africa as a blessing it is also became a curse! Because it looks like Africa does not know what to do with his youth! When you compare what we have with others continents, Africa is the young one in the average of age, Europe, America, Asia are all old in the average of age.

               When you look at the job opportunity African young people are victim of not having job, let me put it clear, there is no job at all for the young people in Africa, this I do not understand why we are not able to create and make job opportunity for the young people in Africa, let say this the most great things to happen to Africa is not the mining or minerals that our beautiful land have but the young people, if we can know how to used them for something positive our Africa land will be magnificent, because the power of our future is not our minerals only but a dynamic youth and vibrant young people, will make our Africa great again, our energy is in the wrong direction when we neglect our young people, things need to be done for us to make them see their part of today and tomorrow, most all they are the future of our beautiful land.

              There is sad story about our youth which is going on and no one is talking about it, I can compared it with the event of 16 of June 1976, the difference is that event was and still be made aware every years in the media and by the South Africa government, however this sad story which is happening every days , even when I am writing this opinion, boys and girls of Africa are dying by trying to cross the mediterranean sea to get into Europe for better life, and all of African government are quiet about it, year after years there is AU meetings I can said I did not hear anything about this from our African leaders! Amazing, this I call it silence contribution to the killing of our young people, if it goes on like I may say it a genocide that our leaders are making against their own people. this decision we may blame them but desperation moment make people to make tough decision, because also Africa can not provide them great opportunity and for them Europe is the eldorado or a place of better life, if that is in the risk of their life so be it, because to many of them staying in their countries it is death sentence therefore trying to cross the sea is better than living an humiliation life of poverty.

            I can assure you I do have sympathy with those young people and I feel them and understand them, because it seem like only the elite minority are the one to have a better life in Africa, let us rise up to the challenge as the youth in South Africa did rise against a brutal and evil killing regime of apartheid and conquer them, yes we can do it again for our youth than letting them down and dying far away from their sacred land and without a proper burial from their love one, in Africa burial is sacred, some parent still hope and think that their children are still alive but not knowing that the child is long dead. our leaders have obligation to rise above and do the right things by using our young people which are one of our great resource ever, let us used it because they are our bright light of today and tomorrow.

                  Young people do not give up, Arise Arise Arise young people.

                                       God bless Africa.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Who has bewitched Africa

 Opinion news

               When it is about witchcraft in Africa it is not a matter that people in Africa take it lightly because it make people killed and some will not talk to you or even you can be banished by the all community, some people in Africa their carrier just finished because of the rumors about them being called witches or woman will never get marriage because of it, some used it for power in the command and others for the healing power, in reality it is very complex the matter of witchcraft in Africa, and a matter no one dare to challenger anyone in day light. 

                Why I ask this question of who has bewitched African? simple because African in general are believers of the most high power above, or above the living there is a power that is above all the living and that high power does protect and guide them and also bless them, the living on this earth, also when things does not go well, they will consult their most high, where it get muddy is when they consult their ancestors or this being who possess power and ability to communicate with the others side which is not see with naked eyes, that is where things get muddy, by that I means manipulation and scamming became the reality. but all is to get answer to their quest to comfort situation, but for this question I am asking a simple of what I observe of what is going on in same country in Africa.

                Before I handle the Paul Mbiya story, let me says this, when Mzee Kabila was killed in Congo, He was still a president at the time and his son Joseph Kabila then became president of Congo, this make Omar Bongo president of Gabon to said things like that will not happen in Gabon, then after sometimes he also died then what happen! his son became the president of Gabon not only that the guy is sick, he can not walk or talk anymore but he is still the president of the country, even worse people whom he supposed to lead does not know if he is alive or not and he is still the president, this is the dynasty of the sons replacing their fathers in power, in Togo Eyadema did the same, Congo Brazaville the dictator which is in power since no body can remember when, he is also preparing his son to take the power, I did not know that democracy is about letting your son to take over under so called election where the opposition is been kick out. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Pan African Parliament

 Opinion News

               I will love for us to understand the concept of this institution call pan african parliament [PAP], it is one of the organ of AU, it was founded since 2004, it have a president and secretary general and all countries of Africa sent their elected deputes to represent them, the problem is I do not know how many resolution is been taken there to better the life of African? since 2004 it was as for me always under the radar without making to much of noise until recently when in their session they were chaotic scene among those so call noble deputes who supposed to deal with the better life of African children.

               Let first deal with this situation, Africa as a continent is divided in regional block, we have west region, east region, south side,north region and the central region, this is just the beginning of the problem, you may ask but this is not an issue, no you are wrong because it is a big issue because this countries in their regional block they are not ready to let go their regional block for the sake of the continental issue, now you will put this situation also which of the Northern regional block always see themselves as Arab first not as African, they will be African when it is for their benefit and Arab all the times and also associate with Arab countries of the middle East, then there is this problem which we did get from our past with colonialism, the issues is about the languages, in Africa there is this issues of Francophone, Anglophone, and countries that Lusophone, which are portuguese speaking African countries this block are a great problem, which is became a tower of babel of the Bible times. There is a situation where the Francophone will go against the Anglophone and the Anglophone will also go against the Francophone, this language block most of the times they are serving their colonial masters goals, example everything that the French government will ask they are African French speaking countries to do, they will do it, now all this situation it is making the Pan Africa Parliament very difficult to operate and help bring prosperity and make Africa a better place to live.

                 Even so in my humble opinion this situations which I mention above can be resolved easily if we became really  a real Pan African like Kwame Nkruma, Mze Julius Nyerere, Amilcar Cabral, Patrice Lumunba let me just names this few, who were the messengers of pan africanism and were fighting for the united Africa however  all this situations has make that Africa is now more divide, let me give you this example to travel in Africa as African is not easy, you need to have visas and those visas are not free, I can acknowledge that some progress has been made also but in majority it is still a major issue, the Pan African Parliment was going to vote a new president then the situation was the Southern regional block said it is now their time to have a president, because their region since the beginning of pan African parliament did not have a president,  by the look of the things it seem an easy things to do or to handle however this is not so with Africa politic, put this in mind the others regional blocks and regional speaking blocks must play their role in this voting process but if the Francophone gangs come together plus others regional blocks against the candidate of the southern regional candidate there is no chance of southern regional candidate to win and the situation will remain the same which southern region will not have a president again, let me break it down the French speaking countries are many and also their blocks have many countries than southern region, that where the problem was therefore chaos and boxing fight and karate and war of words was the norm of the day for two days, the southern region make sure that the election must not go ahead and disrupt the seating of the parliament and this has actually make African people to know about the parliament.

               The question is does this parliament really helpful for African? my answer is no and yes, let me explain it, why I said no; because the parliament in it position now it is not helping at all, why I said yes; because if the parliament is given power on adopting laws and make those laws to be implemented then the parliament will be helpful, but as it is today the parliament is a talk shop that will be know for only things that is not helpful at all, like the things that happen there when they were about to vote a new president.

God bless Africa

Elijah a Man of same Nature like us

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Spiritual Leadership

 Opinion news

                      Let us put our mind on leadership, and I will be talking of Spiritual leadership because it is the corner center of all development of any nations, when we study the history of any countries, you will arrived to see that actually what make that nation great it is all about the great leaders that they have, let me few of them, Abraham Lincoln, Churchill, Ghandi, Patrice E. Lumumba, Nelson Mandela, Thomas Sankara and many more, one of the fallacy that the media often portrays leaders as gifted, charismatic,physically imposing, attractive people. that is only in the movies and tv dramas as you will see this is not always the case. Napoleon Bonaparte, Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman were all short 5'5' tall, Abraham Lincoln had a very homely face and gangly physique, it is amazing really to notice that many of the famous leaders of our time and times past came from dysfunctional families and poor economic situations especially in Africa our leaders for our freedom were all poor and not great academic education either. there is also saying among the scholar of the Bible that Apostle Paul was ugly, short, and with bad eyesight. how true it is I do not know.

                       What is Spiritual Leadership it is a guide to understand God's design for spiritual leaders. the twenty first century is the most advanced age in the history, but effective biblical leadership has never been more need. Clear guidance is given on how leaders can make a positive impact on the people and organizations they are currently leading. I personally like most scholars believe that leaders are both born and made.

                      The leader's character, for some people, the greatest challenge is becoming the kind of person that others want to follow. Leaders without followers are not leaders; they are simply out for a stroll. the issue of influence is critical, especially in Christian leadership. In people's attempts to enlist a following, some have resorted to developing the appearance of a leader rather than developing the character of a leader.

                      Let us think about Position in Character of the leader; In many areas position has been generally associated with authority and influence. Pastors were automatically respected by virtue of their position. As a result, would be leaders pursued positions and offices of prominence in order to gain the respect they desired. each call to a larger, more prestigious church brought great dignity to the aspiring minister, this is what I call illegitimate source of influence, the flaws in this idea; People can achieve influential positions without developing a character to match their assignment. People who use political or unethical means to  acquire positions lack the integrity they need to maintain the respect of those they lead. Both the secular and spiritual realms see countless men and women erroneously trying to satisfy their empty souls by amassing a following. The sad truth is that many Christian organizations and churches are led by people who sought an office for all the wrong reasons.

                    Let us think about Power in the character of the leader; History has thought us about Margaret Thatcher when she won a monumental third victory as prime minister of Great Britain during the 1980, she seemed an invincible political force. but members of her party chafed under a leader with such strong convictions. Ultimately her own party, not the opposition, forced her to resign. Once people chose not to follow, the most successful British leader of her era could no longer lead. Even the business world has realized that it cannot operate with a totalitarian mind set. There was a time when dominant business leaders such as Henry Ford could bully labor movements and make arrogant statements such as " Customers can have a car in any color they want, as long as it is black". this illegitimate source of influence are, the flaws in this idea are ; Christian leaders invite rebellion when they use force to achieve  their organizational goals. Pastors have used numerous strong arm tactics to get their way. Some have violent tempers. They are charming and cordial as long as church members submit to their leadership. Spiritual dictatorship can be the most oppressive form of tyranny. Some Christian leaders believe that God delegates his authority to leaders and that followers are obligated to submit to them unquestioningly as if they were obeying God.

                  Let us think of Personality in the character of the leader; as every child learns, there is usually more than one way to get what you want. If it doesn't come automatically[ position] and if bullying [ power] doesn't work, you can always turn on the charm![ personality] the flaws idea in this illegitimate source of influence are ; People often follow leaders because of his charisma and winsome personality. The popularity of a leader is not in itself a bad thing, but it cannot be the only thing. Great leaders build great organizations, not necessarily great reputations. Pastors who function more on personality than on true leadership qualities rarely stay in one place for long. Personality without purpose and charm without competence are recipes for ruin.

                 The legitimate sources of influence is God's authentication calling and blessing from above, two great example in the Bible is the calling of Moses and Joshua, by that leaders do not have to prove God is guiding them. God's presence will be unmistakable. Leaders like Samuel, Deborah, Elijah and many more did not to prove themselves about God's presence their character just reveal God. Charles Finney said ;" When God is pleased with a leader's life, his divine presence is unmistakable"

Thank you be all under the blessing of the almighty and let him make you all leader