Opinion news
The substance of God is his essence or his being. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the essence of God, the nature of God, and the attributes of God, in this opinion news I shall discuss the attributes of God, to be more specific the natural attributes of God which is classified by some theologians as non moral attributes. however in this opinion news I shall put forward the immutability and eternity of God.
In all of the attributes of God the immutability and eternity of God is the most powerful in my opinion, I shall say, this is why I say so, we human being we do change our mind so often, some of us did once get marriage then after some years or even for some today is just a matter of hours or day then they divorce, reason I change my mind, others it is on promise made but not keep, and many more reason they will give I am human being I am entitle to change my mind, but does not change his mind.
By immutability of God is meant that in essence, attributes, conscience, holiness, justice, righteousness, there is no change. God cannot change for the better; he is and has always been the best to perfection. He cannot change for the worst since it would be a contradiction to his nature. God can never be wiser, more powerful, more present, more holy, or more just, he cannot be less merciful, less truthful, or less righteous, he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. James informs us that ' He is the Father of light, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning ' this show us how God is constant with himself and he never denied his word, how many us speak one thing and do something else many and all day long.
Although God cannot change in his divine prerogatives or his moral attributes, there are occasions when he may change his relationship to his moral creatures. He may pronounce a judgment upon a city like Nineveh. Jonah cried and said ' Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown ' . then later ' God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way and repented...... and he did it not ' Jonah 3:4-10, here is the example of his relationship with his creatures, That God can change for his creatures when they turned around that is not mean his attributes his change.
Both the promise of God and the judgments of God are conditional depending upon the obedience of the righteous or the disobedience of the wicked. God reserves the right to withhold the blessing from the righteous or his curses from the wicked if either turns from his ways, the word eternal is used in the scripture with two meanings, literally and figuratively, the literal meaning of the term applies only to God, who has neither beginning or ending. With him there is no past, present, or future. He inhabits eternity, an eternal now, one has described it as follows ' It is duration, without beginning or ending; existence, without bounds or dimension; present, without past or future. His eternity is youth without infancy or old age; life without birth or death; today without yesterday or tomorrow.' In the figurative sense, eternal refers to existence with a beginning, but without an end. Angels and Human beings have a beginning, but they will have no end. it also refers to a gift from God. John 3:16
This is the difference between God and human beings, God is the same from yesterday, today and forever and eternal without beginning, therefore to say we are God in small g is not to understand who God is, I hope you did understand the immutability and eternity of God, it is called theology proper.
God bless you all