
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Immutability and Eternity of God

 Opinion news

              The substance of God is his essence or his being. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the essence of God, the nature of God, and the attributes of God, in this opinion news I shall discuss the attributes of God, to be more specific the natural attributes of God which is classified by some theologians as non moral attributes. however in this opinion news I shall put forward the immutability and eternity of God.

                  In all of the attributes of God the immutability and eternity of God is the most powerful in my opinion, I shall say, this is why I say so, we human being we do change our mind so often, some of us did once get marriage then after some years or even for some today is just a matter of hours or day then they divorce, reason I change my mind, others it is on promise made but not keep, and many more reason they will give I am human being I am entitle to change my mind, but does not change his mind.

                 By immutability of God is meant that in essence, attributes, conscience, holiness, justice, righteousness, there is no change. God cannot change for the better; he is and has always been the best to perfection. He cannot change for the worst since it would be a contradiction to his nature. God can never be wiser, more powerful, more present, more holy, or more just, he cannot be less merciful, less truthful, or less righteous, he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. James informs us that ' He is the Father of light, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning ' this show us how God is constant with himself and he never denied his word, how many us speak one thing and do something else many and all day long.

                  Although God cannot change in his divine prerogatives or his moral attributes, there are occasions when he may change his relationship to his moral creatures. He may pronounce a judgment upon a city like Nineveh. Jonah cried and said ' Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown ' . then later  ' God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way and repented...... and he did it not ' Jonah 3:4-10, here is the example of his relationship with his creatures, That God can change for his creatures when they turned around that is not mean his attributes his change.

                 Both the promise of God and the judgments of God are conditional depending upon the obedience of the righteous or the disobedience of the wicked. God reserves the right to withhold the blessing from the righteous or his curses from the wicked if either turns from his ways, the word eternal is used in the scripture with two meanings, literally and figuratively, the literal meaning of the term applies only to God, who has neither beginning or ending. With him there is no past, present, or future. He inhabits eternity, an eternal now, one has described it as follows ' It is duration, without beginning or ending; existence, without bounds or dimension; present, without past or future. His eternity is youth without infancy or old age; life without birth or death; today without yesterday or tomorrow.'  In the figurative sense, eternal refers to existence with a beginning, but without an end.  Angels and Human beings have a beginning, but they will have no end. it also refers to a gift from God. John 3:16

                 This is the difference between God and human beings, God is the same from yesterday, today and forever and eternal without beginning, therefore to say we are God in small g is not to understand who God is, I hope you did understand the immutability and eternity of God, it is called theology proper.

                 God bless you all

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

God of Providence

Opinion news

             In today opinion news I will put forward about God of providence, you will hear people most of the times saying, why is so much poverty in the world, now in part of Africa you hear this why are we so poor and poverty is like part of African life. Now let see it this way, a Christian believer must believe that God is, here the most important way, because God is not was faith deal with the present not yesterday and when he believe God is and that he not only created the universe, but that he upholds and sustains the heavens and the earth by his power and decrees. which bring me to say providentially, God deals with and influences the affairs of men and nations. He rules the laws of nature and supplies daily bread according to his will, in theology proper it mean He is in control. 

              Let try to give you the meaning of the word PROVIDENCE, there is many however I love this one, PROVIDENCE OF GOD etymologically the word means foreseeing. from this point of view, it means that God foresees, makes plans, and provides for the future. the best example is at creation men was created after everything was already made ready for him by God, there is no better picture than this. When you look this example in my humble opinion African have no reason to cry poverty because God has provide Africa with all. In a theological sense, it applies to the activities of God that he exerts in the universe and upon his creatures in bringing to pass his original purpose in the creation. although evil has entered the universe, and in the a certain respect is a thorn in the side of God, yet God will not allow the powerful force of evil to thwart  or defeat the fulfillment of his original wise and holy purpose.

             What is the existence of evil, since God is the omnipotent one who eternally possesses almighty power, and since evil is so devastating and diametrically opposed to God's holy nature, then what is the answer to this riddle of evil in the universe? This indeed is a hard question. Has evil always been in the universe? if not, how did it come to be? if it had an origin, was God in any degree responsible for its origin? if God were responsible for the origin and implementation of evil, then he would be a contradiction unto himself and would thus be both a devil and a God in one divine good and evil personality, which is impossible. and such an answer is blasphemy and impossible. I can say this entire opinion could be spent in an attempt to answer this issue. Let me just put it like this God created the heavens and the earth, and also created rational beings who were morally free to do their own thinking and making their own decisions, this is known as free moral agency. within this freedom, God created both angels and men. blame cannot be placed upon God for his creating these rational beings with such inherent freedom. therefore God did not produce evil as some material object that one may choose, the evil was the choice itself, the decision to obey or disobey God's moral law; thus evil was inherent within the free rational being and not in God. I can go on and on what I can say is blaming God for our short coming he does not a ground and African blaming God for their poverty he does not have ground it is their choice.

           Law and order as practiced by the government of the world is a demonstration of God's providence in protecting society from the beastiality of the society, that is Apostle Paul tells us that the sword is not established in vain, it is God's power operating in the preservation of the good. therefore choosing a good leader is of paramount for any society if not do not blame God. God he providentially supplies our needs the bible have plenty of example in this issue, example Joseph in Egypt the need of Israel was cover. let all acknowledge God providence in our life and say thank you.

             God bless you all.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Failed States

 Opinion News

               I will try to write this opinion news today with a heart that is heavy of the situation that is going on around us here in the country but also make sure that I am not carry on by the distraction of the event. my point today is the failed states however you need to understand that failed states is not only in Africa but it is a complex situation in all of this let us acknowledge that in Africa most countries is qualify to be failed states.

               What is a failed state? a state whose political or economic and judicial system has become so weak that the government is no longer in going with this definition you will understand that more countries all over the world can be call failed state. Now why is African countries are notorious to be qualify has a such! let me quote the Nigeria writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche; " My point is that the only authentic identity for the African is the tribe.... I am Nigerian because the white man created Nigerian and gave me that identity. I am black because the white man constructed black to be as different as possible from his white. but I was IGBO before the white man came." from this quote I see many problem that African are not ready to solved.

               My question are , was he a mistakes by the white man giving us countries as we know it today? She is right before 1945 Berlin conference we were all know by our tribe and clan because the name of the countries as we know it just arrived after that conference and independence, it is a mistakes for the African to have the countries as it is today or we supposed to have the countries according to each clan and tribes, the situation is African people beside their culture and tradition which is made them unique however they are still not raise above their tribes and clans, that is even where war and looting come from. Another one is corruption, this word corruption is a simple word but very powerful word, I remember longtime ago in Congo a former minister of foreign affaires was ask a question by a Belgium  journalist about the corruption of the president Mobutu, his answer was " the word corruption is in lingala, or tshiluba or kikongo." this is all Congolese language however what he was pushing was in our language the word corruption does not exist therefore what you called corruption for us is not. in that time we all applauded him, now when I realize and study everything then I say thing does African people really understand what is corruption? does African politicians really understand what is corruption? most of the times the same poor people who are marginalize will says let him also get the money so what because most of the times because we are from same tribe, another one is judicial I think according to our tradition and customer and culture which is an elders are always right and you can not question an elder and elders are not accountable to anyone young and a chiefs is above everything and all, the judicial is become a problem in this Africa as we know it.

             Now did we get ourselves to a system which is above us? or did we get ourselves to the situation of making someone a Messiah then the same Messiah start making our life miserable? or is democracy  not an African thing? to understand the Nigerian write which I did quote above, I also have my tribe and not by my choice a country was given to me however the tribe issues still high and playing a big role of division in my country most of the time we do not know how to make the country go forward by seeing the capacity and ability of the person but we are always debating from which tribe is coming from. we have even the term geo politic which is every provinces must be in government not quality. if this is the way to go Africa does not have a chance to succeed but to be a failed states, I can say also the Berlin conference was just a great problem created by the oppressor to make us suffer more and it is very difficult to have a spirit of nationalist because we do not belong to this thing called country which we have no link at all and it was imposed to us but our tribe was born in us, what can we do simple let us African raise and build the Africa in diversity which we want all live in and for better future of our children.

            God bless Africa.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Revelation of God by Miracles.

 Opinion news

              I will first put the term revelation what is all about, also let me say there is two words that I used when I am talking of revelation, there is what I called GENERAL REVELATION; which means that God makes himself  known through nature, human conscience, and history. there is also what I called SPECIAL REVELATION; which means that God makes himself known to specific people in a special and unusual way, and at specific times. there are various special revelations of God, such as Prophecy, Miracles, gifts of the Holy Spirit and many more but in my opinion news today I will put forward only the revelation of God by miracles.

              Genuine miracles are a special revelation of the power and presence of God, that aspect it showing also the omnipotence which is the all powerful God, however the confusion or what same people do not understand is Satan and his agents attempt to reproduce every good program and work of God. by that I will like to warn anyone that making God revelation base on miracles only is not enough, A miracle is an event of divine, and sometimes of satanic, origin that is contrary to or divergent from an existing law in nature. in brief I can say it is something beyond man ability.

              The miracles in Egypt as the Bible recorded are verify the definition which holds that the miracles may as its source of power God or Satan, Moses as God's representative and Egyptian sorcerers as Satan's representatives engaged in the same type of miracles working up to a certain point. Both threw down their rods and they turned into serpents, they did that again and again until when they tried to bring lice, the Egyptian magicians tried and failed but Moses and Aaron succeeded. this show us that in Egypt God used miracles to impose judgment upon the nation, that make us to see throughout the old testament miracles were used almost equally as acts of judgment and as acts of mercy, and on some occasions they were used as acts of judgment to the enemies of God and as acts of mercy to the people of God, therefore I will love to be in the side of mercy than judgment.

               Explaining what is meant in the definition of an event contrary to or divergent from a law in nature, the example of Simon Peter is selected. According to one of the first laws of physics, one concludes that when an object is placed into the liquid, it will sink into the liquid by the pull of gravity until it displaces its weight in the liquid. Simon Peter did stepped out of the boat into the water, in this situation Simon Peter was the object and the water was the liquid, according to the law of gravity, he would have immediately sunk into the water but he did not he even walk on the the water contrary to the law of nature. that is the miracle. the case of Miriam and Aaron in the book of numbers 12:1-8, which the Lord anger was kindled against them, Miriam was left with dreaded disease of leprosy, however Aaron was saved because of him being a High priest and having the priestly cloth with him then God placed the judgment upon her, their problem was not only about Moses wife but it went far about God talking only to Moses, but by Moses prayer God did have mercy on her.

             The miracles that Jesus performed are recorded by all four gospel writers, the total number that are recorded is 35, only one is recorded by all four which is the feeding of the five thousand, Matthew records 21 miracles, Mark records 21 miracles, Luke records 20 miracles, and John records 8 miracles, of John's eight miracles, six of them are recorded only by him, which are water made wine, healing of the nobleman's son, the impotent man, the man born blind, the raising of Lazarus and the drought of fishes after resurrection 

           The miracles did continue even in the time of the Apostles as the book of acts does record, even today with the help of the ministry of the Holy Spirit however not every miracles come from God as mention above, and signs, wonders and miracles does not mean God is with you and this revelation alone is not enough. it is important to have a good study and understanding of God theology for you to have great and complete revelation of God.

                  God bless you all